- COVID-19
- Health and Wellness
- Learning at Home
- Resources for Parents
- Social-Emotional Learning
- Elementary Education
- Primary Curriculum
- Kindergarten Classroom
- Teaching Resources
- Early Learning Support
- Visual Learners
- Literacy Skill Development
- Storytime
- Special Education
- English Language Learning
- French Immersion
This digital social story was created to support children, caregivers, families, and educators during the COVID-19 pandemic. It provides examples of activities children can choose from while staying at home. It gives children options to choose from regarding how they spend their time at home. Areas of Learning:
This digital social story celebrates diversity at school. It teaches children to look at themselves and their peers as capable and valuable members of the school community. It describes ways schools can foster an inclusive environment and make adaptations so all children can participate fully. It advocates for children having special needs and diverse abilities at school. It explains that all children need to feel a sense of belonging and acceptance at school. It encourages children to connect with different kinds of kids and to help and support others. Areas of Learning:
- Learning at School
- Back to School
- Equity and Social Justice
- Diversity and Inclusion
- Identity and Belonging
- Building Community
- Social Responsibility
- Social Studies
- Canadian History
- Black History Month
- Anti-racism
- Black Shirt Day
- Black Lives Matter
- Indigenous Education
- Orange Shirt Day
- Every Child Matters
- SOGI Education
- Pink Shirt Day
- Anti-bullying
- Health and Wellness
- Safety
- Counselling
- Social-Emotional Learning
- Elementary Education
- Primary Curriculum
- Kindergarten Classroom
- Teaching Resources
- Early Learning Support
- Visual Learners
- Special Education
- Autism
- English Language Learning
- French Immersion
This digital social story teaches children about appropriate and inappropriate touching at school. It highlights the need consent for before touching other people’s bodies or property. It advises children to seek adult help if they see or experience touching that concerns them. It emphasizes the importance of comfort and safety for everyone at school. Areas of Learning:
- Learning at School
- Health and Wellness
- Physical Education
- Science and the Body
- Counselling
- Life Skills
- Impulse Control
- Social-Emotional Learning
- Social Responsibility
- Elementary Education
- Primary Curriculum
- Kindergarten Classroom
- Teaching Resources
- Classroom Management
- Behavior Management
- Early Learning Support
- Visual Learners
- Literacy Skill Development
- Storytime
- Special Education
- English Language Learning
- French Immersion
This digital social story teaches children the importance of arriving early or on time for school. It explains why arriving late to school is problematic. It provides strategies for developing night and morning routines at home. It assures children that everyone runs late sometimes. It invites children to take responsibility for the things they can control. Areas of Learning:
- Learning at Home
- Resources for Parents
- Learning at School
- Personal and Career Planning
- Core Competencies
- Life Skills
- Time Management
- Organization and Planning
- Classroom Management
- Back to School
- Social-Emotional Learning
- Elementary Education
- Primary Curriculum
- Kindergarten Classroom
- Teaching Resources
- Early Learning Support
- Visual Learners
- Literacy Skill Development
- Storytime
- Special Education
- English Language Learning
- French Immersion
This digital social story teaches children the importance of good sportsmanship during play with peers. It covers natural consequences that may occur after someone displays poor sportsmanship. It explains how to play games fairly and honestly to make the games fun for everyone. It emphasizes participation, cooperation, taking turns, following the rules, and friendly language. Areas of Learning:
- Learning at School
- Health and Wellness
- Physical Education, Games, and Sports
- Play-based Learning
- Cooperative Learning
- Social-Emotional Learning
- Social Responsibility
- Character Education and Virtues
- Life Skills
- Building Community
- Classroom Management
- Elementary Education
- Core Competencies
- Primary Curriculum
- Kindergarten Classroom
- Teaching Resources
- Early Learning Support
- Visual Learners
- Literacy Skill Development
- Storytime
- Special Education
- English Language Learning
- French Immersion
This digital social story helps children understand that they're part of a larger community at school. It explains the need to be patient. It emphasizes the importance of cooperation, sharing, and compromising with others. This story asks children to be responsible for their words and actions and to be considerate of the feelings of others. It explains that the teacher’s attention needs to be distributed fairly amongst the students in the class. It invites children to develop greater independence at school. Areas of Learning:
- Learning at School
- Health and Wellness
- Cooperative Learning
- Social-Emotional Learning
- Social Responsibility
- Character Education and Virtues
- Life Skills
- Counselling
- Feelings
- Empathy
- Building Community
- Classroom Management
- Behavior Management
- Elementary Education
- Core Competencies
- Primary Curriculum
- Kindergarten Classroom
- Teaching Resources
- Early Learning Support
- Visual Learners
- Literacy Skill Development
- Storytime
- Special Education
- English Language Learning
- French Immersion
This digital social story acknowledges that sometimes we feel down. It provides children with strategies to help them feel better. It suggests daily habits that can lead to positive emotions, health, and happiness. Areas of Learning:
- Learning and Home
- Resources for Parents
- Learning at School
- Physical Education
- Health and Wellness
- Science and the Body
- Counselling
- Life Skills
- Self-regulation
- Feelings
- Social-Emotional Learning
- Classroom Management
- Behavior Management
- Elementary Education
- Core Competencies
- Primary Curriculum
- Kindergarten Classroom
- Teaching Resources
- Early Learning Support
- Visual Learners
- Literacy Skill Development
- Storytime
- Special Education
- English Language Learning
- French Immersion
This digital social story teaches children the importance of being honest at school. It covers natural consequences that may occur after someone is dishonest. It provides examples of honest behaviour and dishonest behaviour. It explains that telling the truth is important in building and maintaining friendships. Areas of Learning:
- Learning at School
- Character Education and Virtues
- Counselling
- Feelings
- Life Skills
- Communication Skills
- Social-Emotional Learning
- Social Responsibility
- Classroom Management
- Cooperative Learning
- Building Community
- Behavior Management
- Elementary Education
- Primary Curriculum
- Kindergarten Classroom
- Teaching Resources
- Early Learning Support
- Visual Learners
- Literacy Skill Development
- Storytime
- Special Education
- English Language Learning
- French Immersion
This digital social story teaches children the importance of being kind to others. It provides many examples of how to show kindness to others. It suggests that being kind is a good way to make new friends and to maintain existing friendships. Areas of Learning:
- Learning at School
- Social-Emotional Learning
- Life Skills
- Counselling
- Friendship
- Feelings
- Building Community
- Cooperative Learning
- Character Education and Virtues
- Classroom Management
- Social Responsibility
- Kindness and Inclusion
- Anti-bullying
- Pink Shirt Day
- Peace
- Remembrance Day
- Elementary Education
- Core Competencies
- Primary Curriculum
- Kindergarten Classroom
- Teaching Resources
- Early Learning Support
- Visual Learners
- Literacy Skill Development
- Storytime
- Special Education
- English Language Learning
- French Immersion
This digital social story highlights the importance of keeping schools safe and clean for everyone. It teaches how their actions impact others. It encourages children to help maintain an optimal school environment for everyone to enjoy. This story covers responsible use of school property and materials, cleaning up, and helping out. Areas of Learning:
- Learning at School
- Health and Wellness
- Social Responsibility
- Character Education and Virtues
- Back to School
- Building Community
- Classroom Management
- Cooperative Learning
- Behavior Management
- Social-Emotional Learning
- Elementary Education
- Core Competencies
- Primary Curriculum
- Kindergarten Classroom
- Teaching Resources
- Early Learning Support
- Visual Learners
- Literacy Skill Development
- Storytime
- Special Education
- English Language Learning
- French Immersion
This digital social story helps children understand the difference between individual play and cooperative play. It teaches children the importance of participating, communicating, cooperating, and compromising with playmates. It encourages children to make positive contributions to the group. Areas of Learning:
- Learning at School
- Play-based Learning
- Cooperative Learning
- Communication Skills
- Social-Emotional Learning
- Feelings
- Social Responsibility
- Building Community
- Classroom Management
- Behavior Management
- Problem Solving
- Applied Design and Skills
- Life Skills
- Elementary Education
- Core Competencies
- Primary Curriculum
- Kindergarten Classroom
- Teaching Resources
- Early Learning Support
- Visual Learners
- Literacy Skill Development
- Storytime
- Special Education
- English Language Learning
- French Immersion
This digital social story is for children who have a tendency to cry at school, such as children who experience separation anxiety. When children cry at school, it makes their school experience even more challenging because they can’t participate or make friends. This story encourages children to be brave and to participate so that school becomes a more comfortable place for them to try new things, learn, and build positive relationships with their teachers and peers. Areas of Learning:
- Learning at School
- Health and Wellness
- Life Skills
- Counselling
- Feelings
- Social-Emotional Learning
- Self-regulation
- Cooperative Learning
- Back to School
- Building Community
- Classroom Management
- Elementary Education
- Primary Curriculum
- Kindergarten Classroom
- Teaching Resources
- Early Learning Support
- Visual Learners
- Literacy Skill Development
- Storytime
- Special Education
- English Language Learning
- French Immersion
This digital social story celebrates diversity at school. It explains that each child at school is special and unique. It lists ways children might be different from each other. It teaches children that in diverse communities, we can learn from each other. It encourages children to have a diverse group of friends. It highlights the need for all children to feel a sense of belonging and inclusion at school. Areas of Learning:
- Learning at School
- Social-Emotional Learning
- Social Responsibility
- Social Studies
- Equity and Social Justice
- Anti-racism
- Black History Month
- Black Shirt Day
- Diversity and Inclusion
- Building Community
- Identity and Belonging
- Life Skills
- Elementary Education
- Core Competencies
- Primary Curriculum
- Kindergarten Classroom
- Teaching Resources
- Early Learning Support
- Visual Learners
- Literacy Skill Development
- Storytime
- Special Education
- English Language Learning
- French Immersion
This digital social story encourages children to work hard and try their best at school, even when they don’t like the task or don't feel like working. It emphasizes following instructions, time management, focus, determination, and task completion. It explains to children that the reward for hard work is feeling pride in personal effort, learning, and accomplishments. Areas of Learning:
- Learning at School
- Work Habits and Effort
- Organization and Planning
- Life Skills
- Career and Personal Planning
- Self-reflection
- Assessment
- Character Education and Virtues
- Back to School
- Classroom Management
- Social-Emotional Learning
- Elementary Education
- Core Competencies
- Primary Curriculum
- Kindergarten Classroom
- Teaching Resources
- Early Learning Support
- Visual Learners
- Literacy Skill Development
- Storytime
- Special Education
- English Language Learning
- French Immersion
This digital social story teaches children about the seasons and how they impact the weather. It recommends different clothing items for each of the different seasons. It suggests that children investigate the current temperature and weather in order to help them determine what clothing and accessories to wear. This story is particularly helpful in preparing children for outside play at recess or after lunch. It supports parents at home during daily negotiations with their child about what to wear to school. Areas of Learning:
- Science
- Outdoor Education
- Back to School
- Classroom Management
- Health and Wellness
- Safety
- Play
- Elementary Education
- Core Competencies
- Primary Curriculum
- Kindergarten Classroom
- Teaching Resources
- Early Learning Support
- Visual Learners
- Life Skills
- Special Education
- English Language Learning
- French Immersion
This digital social story describes how to work and play successfully with peers during Exploration Time at school (also known as Centre Time, Choice Time, or Free Time). It reminds children that the rules help to keep things fair and safe for everyone. It talks about taking turns, sharing, and working together. It emphasizes communication, planning, and compromise. It invites children to try out their ideas and to problem-solve when unanticipated issues arise. It reminds children to help clean up once playtime is over. Areas of Learning:
- Play
- Applied Design and Skills
- Communication Skills
- Problem Solving
- Critical Thinking
- Life Skills
- Social Responsibility
- Learning at School
- Back to School
- Classroom Management
- Community Building
- Safety
- Self-regulation
- Social-Emotional Learning
- Elementary Education
- Core Competencies
- Primary Curriculum
- Kindergarten Classroom
- Teaching Resources
- Early Learning Support
- Visual Learners
- Special Education
- English Language Learning
- French Immersion
This digital social story gives examples of different family compositions so that children learn that all families are different. The concepts covered in this story give educators and parents an opportunity to engage in deeper conversation with children about topics such as cultural diversity, adoption, same-sex relationships, and divorce. Areas of Learning:
- Social Studies
- Family Studies
- Diversity and Inclusion
- SOGI Education
- Life Skills
- Family Day
- Mother's Day
- Father's Day
- Social-Emotional Learning
- Community Building
- Elementary Education
- Primary Curriculum
- Kindergarten Classroom
- Teaching Resources
- Early Learning Support
- Visual Learners
- Special Education
- English Language Learning
- French Immersion
This digital social story assures children that there are adults at school that will look after them and help to keep them safe. It outlines who will provide supervision and support at different times of the school day. It reminds children that if they need help, there are people at school to support them. This is a useful resource for children experiencing separation anxiety. Areas of Learning:
- Learning at School
- Health and Wellness
- Counselling
- Safety
- Life Skills
- Problem Solving
- Back to School
- Building Community
- Classroom Management
- Social-Emotional Learning
- Elementary Education
- Core Competencies
- Primary Curriculum
- Kindergarten Classroom
- Teaching Resources
- Early Learning Support
- Visual Learners
- Special Education
- English Language Learning
- French Immersion
This digital social story helps children understand that rules at school exist to keep the school community safe. It outlines rules in multiple settings and in different situations. It explains that everyone needs to follow the rules at school. Areas of Learning:
- Learning at School
- Safety
- Health and Wellness
- Life Skills
- Back to School
- Behavior Management
- Classroom Management
- Building Community
- Social Responsibility
- Self-regulation
- Social-Emotional Learning
- Elementary Education
- Core Competencies
- Primary Curriculum
- Kindergarten Classroom
- Teaching Resources
- Early Learning Support
- Visual Learners
- Special Education
- English Language Learning
- French Immersion
This digital social story demonstrates safe and appropriate behaviour on a field trip. It aims to relieve some anxiety by helping children to know what to expect. It covers bus safety, staying with your group, and following the instructions. It encourages children to learn and have fun. It invites children to share their experience with their family after the field trip is over. Areas of Learning:
- Learning at School
- Safety
- Health and Wellness
- Life Skills
- Back to School
- Classroom Management
- Building Community
- Social-Emotional Learning
- Self-regulation
- Elementary Education
- Core Competencies
- Primary Curriculum
- Kindergarten Classroom
- Teaching Resources
- Early Learning Support
- Visual Learners
- Literacy Skill Development
- Storytime
- Special Education
- English Language Learning
- French Immersion
This digital social story teaches children how to participate appropriately while on a playdate at a friend’s home. It covers settling into a different environment, safe behaviour, social skills, and play skills. Areas of Learning:
- Learning at Home
- Play-based Learning
- Communication Skills
- Cooperative Learning
- Life Skills
- Friendship
- Social Responsibility
- Character Education and Virtues
- Social-Emotional Learning
- Building Community
- Elementary Education
- Core Competencies
- Primary Curriculum
- Kindergarten Classroom
- Teaching Resources
- Early Learning Support
- Visual Learners
- Literacy Skill Development
- Storytime
- Special Education
- English Language Learning
- French Immersion
This digital social story helps children know what to expect on a skating field trip. It points out that learning to skate can be difficult. It suggests that practice will lead to an improvement in skills. It emphasizes safety, taking risks, trying new things, determination, and having fun! Areas of Learning:
- Learning at School
- Winter
- Physical Education
- Sports and Recreation
- Health and Wellness
- Safety
- Life Skills
- Growth Mindset
- Classroom Management
- Building Community
- Social-Emotional Learning
- Elementary Education
- Core Competencies
- Primary Curriculum
- Kindergarten Classroom
- Teaching Resources
- Early Learning Support
- Visual Learners
- Literacy Skill Development
- Storytime
- Special Education
- English Language Learning
- French Immersion
This digital social story describes what children can expect when they visit the doctor. It assures children that doctors are professionals. It aims to help reduce anxiety and fear that children sometimes feel in unfamiliar places. It helps children anticipate the tools that may be used when they’re with the doctor. It helps them understand that doctors are helpers. Areas of Learning:
- Learning at Home
- Science and the Body
- Social Studies
- Community Helpers
- Physical Education
- Health and Wellness
- Safety
- Life Skills
- Social-Emotional Learning
- Early Learning Support
- Special Education
- English Language Learning
- French Immersion
This digital social story describes what children can expect when they visit the hair salon. It assures children that hairdressers are professionals. It aims to help reduce anxiety and fear that children often feel knowing that they’re going to get their hair cut. It helps children anticipate the tools that will be used and the noises that they may hear. It assures them that haircuts are safe and pain-free. Areas of Learning:
- Learning at Home
- Resources for Parents
- Science
- Social Studies
- Community Helpers
- Physical Education
- Health and Wellness
- Safety
- Life Skills
- Social-Emotional Learning
- Early Learning Support
- Visual Learners
- Special Education
- English Language Learning
- French Immersion
This digital social story helps children to know what to expect on a school field trip to the pumpkin patch. It covers bus safety, staying with your group, and following the instructions. It gives examples of the things children can see and learn about at the farm. It encourages children to participate in the activities and have fun. It invites children to share their experience with their family after their trip to the pumpkin patch is over. Areas of Learning:
- Learning at School
- Science
- Fall / Autumn
- Pumpkins
- Farm Animals
- Health and Wellness
- Safety
- Life Skills
- Behavior Management
- Classroom Management
- Building Community
- Social-Emotional Learning
- Elementary Education
- Core Competencies
- Primary Curriculum
- Kindergarten Classroom
- Teaching Resources
- Early Learning Support
- Visual Learners
- Literacy Skill Development
- Storytime
- Special Education
- English Language Learning
- French Immersion
This digital social story talks about expected and unexpected changes. It explains to children that it’s okay to feel uncomfortable during change. It assures children that they can adjust when changes occur, and that some changes can make things better. Areas of Learning:
- Learning at School
- Learning at Home
- Resources for Parents
- Growth Mindset
- Organization and Planning
- Health and Wellness
- Counselling
- Life Skills
- Career and Personal Planning
- Self-regulation
- Classroom Management
- Social-Emotional Learning
- Elementary Education
- Core Competencies
- Primary Curriculum
- Kindergarten Classroom
- Teaching Resources
- Early Learning Support
- Visual Learners
- Literacy Skill Development
- Storytime
- Special Education
- English Language Learning
- French Immersion
This digital social story helps children identify when they might be having a bad day. It provides strategies for coping. It encourages children to keep things in perspective. It helps children understand that their feelings are only temporary. It assures children that everyone has bad days sometimes. It offers hope for a better day tomorrow. Areas of Learning:
- Learning at School
- Learning at Home
- Counselling
- Life Skills
- Self-regulation
- Feelings
- Behavior Management
- Classroom Management
- Social-Emotional Learning
- Elementary Education
- Core Competencies
- Primary Curriculum
- Kindergarten Classroom
- Teaching Resources
- Early Learning Support
- Visual Learners
- Literacy Skill Development
- Storytime
- Special Education
- English Language Learning
- French Immersion
This digital social story helps children understand the purpose of communication at school. It prepares children to participate in conversations with friends and teachers. It covers basic conversation skills including looking, listening, and responding. It provides examples with language prompts. Areas of Learning:
- Learning at School
- Learning at Home
- Resources for Parents
- Language Arts
- Communication Skills
- Speech and Language
- Counselling
- Life Skills
- Building Community
- Social-Emotional Learning
- Elementary Education
- Core Competencies
- Primary Curriculum
- Kindergarten Classroom
- Teaching Resources
- Early Learning Support
- Visual Learners
- Literacy Skill Development
- Storytime
- Special Education
- English Language Learning
- French Immersion
This digital social story empowers children to take control of their thoughts. It demonstrates that positive thinking is productive and healthy, while negative thinking hinders success and leads to feelings of frustration and inadequacy. It suggests ways for children to practice using a Growth Mindset at school. Areas of Learning:
- Learning at School
- Learning at Home
- Resources for Parents
- Growth Mindset
- Counselling
- Health and Wellness
- Science and the Body
- Physical Education
- Life Skills
- Career and Personal Planning
- Self-regulation
- Classroom Management
- Social-Emotional Learning
- Elementary Education
- Core Competencies
- Primary Curriculum
- Kindergarten Classroom
- Teaching Resources
- Early Learning Support
- Visual Learners
- Literacy Skill Development
- Storytime
- Special Education
- English Language Learning
- French Immersion
This digital social story teaches children how to successfully host a playdate. It demonstrates how to be welcoming and friendly during the playdate, so the guest feels comfortable. It emphasizes cooperative play skills such as sharing and taking turns to ensure that both children have fun on the playdate. Areas of Learning:
- Learning at Home
- Resources for Parents
- Play-based Learning
- Communication Skills
- Counselling
- Friendship
- Life Skills
- Building Community
- Social-Emotional Learning
- Elementary Education
- Core Competencies
- Primary Curriculum
- Kindergarten Classroom
- Teaching Resources
- Early Learning Support
- Visual Learners
- Special Education
- English Language Learning
- French Immersion
This digital social story empowers children to feel confident. It explains that no one is perfect. It assures children that they are unique and special. It encourages children to think about their positive qualities. It suggests that positive affirmations are a great way to build one’s confidence. It provides examples of positive things for children to say to themselves about themselves to build a stronger self-confidence. Areas of Learning:
- Learning at School
- Learning at Home
- Resources for Parents
- Growth Mindset
- Health and Wellness
- Counselling
- Feelings
- Life Skills
- Communication Skills
- Career and Personal Planning
- Social-Emotional Learning
- Elementary Education
- Core Competencies
- Primary Curriculum
- Kindergarten Classroom
- Teaching Resources
- Early Learning Support
- Visual Learners
- Literacy Skill Development
- Storytime
- Special Education
- English Language Learning
- French Immersion
This digital social story helps children understand the difference between negative thinking and positive thinking. It explains what it means to be grateful. It provides examples of things to be grateful for. It suggests ways for children to daily document or express their gratitude. Areas of Learning:
- Learning at School
- Learning at Home
- Resources for Parents
- Health and Wellness
- Counselling
- Feelings
- Life Skills
- Career and Personal Planning
- Communication Skills
- Social-Emotional Learning
- Elementary Education
- Core Competencies
- Primary Curriculum
- Kindergarten Classroom
- Teaching Resources
- Early Learning Support
- Visual Learners
- Literacy Skill Development
- Storytime
- Special Education
- English Language Learning
- French Immersion
This digital social story invites children to feel confident in who they are and what makes them unique and special. It highlights the beauty of diversity and offers suggestions as to how we can all learn from and enjoy each other. Areas of Learning:
- Learning at School
- Identity and Belonging
- Diversity and Inclusion
- Learning at Home
- Resources for Parents
- Growth Mindset
- Health and Wellness
- Counselling
- Life Skills
- Building Community
- Classroom Management
- Social-Emotional Learning
- Elementary Education
- Core Competencies
- Primary Curriculum
- Kindergarten Classroom
- Teaching Resources
- Early Learning Support
- Visual Learners
- Special Education
- English Language Learning
- French Immersion
This digital social story helps children understand the qualities of a good friend. It describes things that friends appreciate. It includes examples of behaviours friends don’t like. It encourages children to practice being friendly to maintain their positive relationships with others. It points out that friends make school a fun place to be. Areas of Learning:
- Learning at School
- Back to School
- Character Education and Virtues
- Identity and Belonging
- Diversity and Inclusion
- Anti-bullying
- Counselling
- Feelings
- Friendship
- Valentine's Day
- Life Skills
- Communication Skills
- Social Responsibility
- Building Community
- Classroom Management
- Social-Emotional Learning
- Elementary Education
- Core Competencies
- Primary Curriculum
- Kindergarten Classroom
- Teaching Resources
- Early Learning Support
- Visual Learners
- Literacy Skill Development
- Storytime
- Special Education
- English Language Learning
- French Immersion
This digital social story defines what it means to be an ally at school. It provides many examples of diversity at school and suggests ways that children can learn about others. It demonstrates how children can be kind, caring, and inclusive. It empowers children to be active change makers. It assures them that they can make a positive difference for others who need their support at school. Areas of Learning:
- Learning at School
- Social Studies
- Canadian History
- Black History Month
- Anti-racism
- Black Shirt Day
- Black Lives Matter
- Indigenous Education
- Orange Shirt Day
- Every Child Matters
- Equity and Social Justice
- Diversity and Inclusion
- Identity and Belonging
- SOGI Education
- Pink Shirt Day
- Anti-bullying
- Health and Wellness
- Safety
- Counselling
- Life Skills
- Building Community
- Social Responsibility
- Classroom Management
- Social-Emotional Learning
- Critical Thinking
- Elementary Education
- Core Competencies
- Primary Curriculum
- Kindergarten Classroom
- Teaching Resources
- Early Learning Support
- Visual Learners
- Special Education
- English Language Learning
- French Immersion
This digital social story demonstrates to children the importance of being flexible. It explains that when we approach change with willingness and an open mind, change is easier. This story illustrates that things are often harder than they need to be when we are stubborn and resistant to change. It reasons that learning opportunities are missed and growth is difficult when we resist change. It assures children that it’s good to try new things, and that these skills will get easier with practice. Areas of Learning:
- Learning at School
- Learning at Home
- Resources for Parents
- Growth Mindset
- Organization and Planning
- Health and Wellness
- Counselling
- Life Skills
- Career and Personal Planning
- Self-regulation
- Classroom Management
- Social-Emotional Learning
- Elementary Education
- Core Competencies
- Primary Curriculum
- Kindergarten Classroom
- Teaching Resources
- Early Learning Support
- Visual Learners
- Literacy Skill Development
- Storytime
- Special Education
- English Language Learning
- French Immersion
This digital social story draws attention to the safety rules at school. It reminds children that rules are in place to keep everyone safe and comfortable. It gives many examples of how children can help to keep themselves safe at school. It explains that children need to be responsible for their words and actions at school. It emphasizes the need to get help from an adult when there is an emergency. Areas of Learning:
- Learning at School
- Back To School
- Emergency Preparedness
- Health and Wellness
- Safety
- Counselling
- Life Skills
- Self-regulation
- Behavior Management
- Classroom Management
- Social Responsibility
- Social-Emotional Learning
- Elementary Education
- Core Competencies
- Primary Curriculum
- Kindergarten Classroom
- Teaching Resources
- Early Learning Support
- Visual Learners
- Special Education
- English Language Learning
- French Immersion
This digital social story teaches children about positive and negative influences at school. It includes examples of children who are being a positive influence and children who are being a negative influence. It cautions children to think before following what someone else is doing or surrendering to peer pressure. It provides strategies for children to try when they’re around someone that’s doing something that they shouldn’t be doing. It empowers children to make safe and healthy choices. Areas of Learning:
- Learning at School
- Learning at Home
- Resources for Parents
- Health and Wellness
- Safety
- Peer Pressure
- Counselling
- Life Skills
- Character Education and Virtues
- Career and Personal Planning
- Self-regulation
- Behavior Management
- Classroom Management
- Social Responsibility
- Social-Emotional Learning
- Elementary Education
- Social Studies
- Critical Thinking
- Core Competencies
- Primary Curriculum
- Kindergarten Classroom
- Teaching Resources
- Early Learning Support
- Visual Learners
- Literacy Skill Development
- Storytime
- Special Education
- English Language Learning
- French Immersion
This digital social story discusses the importance of focusing at school. It encourages children to follow the instructions and to avoid distractions. It emphasizes the need to stay on topic during lessons and conversations. It demonstrates how focusing during assignments leads to good work habits and enables children to complete their tasks within the allotted time. Areas of Learning:
- Learning at School
- Back To School
- Organization and Planning
- Work Habits and Effort
- Self-reflection
- Assessment
- Life Skills
- Career and Personal Planning
- Self-regulation
- Time Management
- Classroom Management
- Social-Emotional Learning
- Elementary Education
- Core Competencies
- Primary Curriculum
- Kindergarten Classroom
- Teaching Resources
- Early Learning Support
- Visual Learners
- Literacy Skill Development
- Storytime
- Special Education
- English Language Learning
- French Immersion
This digital social story guides children through the basic steps of practicing mindfulness. It explains the benefits of practicing mindfulness. It suggests mindfulness as a strategy for coping with stress, worry, and anxiety. It points out that mindfulness can be practiced anywhere. Areas of Learning:
- Learning at School
- Learning at Home
- Resources for Parents
- Science and the Body
- Physical Education
- Health and Wellness
- Counselling
- Anxiety
- Life Skills
- Self-regulation
- Classroom Management
- Social-Emotional Learning
- Elementary Education
- Core Competencies
- Primary Curriculum
- Kindergarten Classroom
- Teaching Resources
- Early Learning Support
- Visual Learners
- Literacy Skill Development
- Storytime
- Special Education
- English Language Learning
- French Immersion
This digital social story talks about the importance of being calm and in control at school in order to be able to make good choices, follow the rules, and be safe. It provides simple strategies to help children calm down if they find themselves too excited or out of control. The self-regulation strategies in this story help children to display positive behaviour at school. Areas of Learning:
- Learning at School
- Safety
- Counselling
- Life Skills
- Self-regulation
- Behavior Management
- Classroom Management
- Social Responsibility
- Social-Emotional Learning
- Elementary Education
- Core Competencies
- Primary Curriculum
- Kindergarten Classroom
- Teaching Resources
- Early Learning Support
- Visual Learners
- Literacy Skill Development
- Storytime
- Special Education
- English Language Learning
- French Immersion
This digital social story is for children who are learning to sleep by themselves in their own bed. It explains why sleep is important for the whole family. It describes the steps that children can take to prepare for bedtime. It covers what to do when children wake up in the night. It assures children that they will feel more comfortable sleeping in their own bed after some practice. Areas of Learning:
- Learning at School
- Learning at Home
- Resources for Parents
- Growth Mindset
- Physical Education
- Science and the Body
- Health and Wellness
- Counselling
- Feelings
- Family
- Life Skills
- Social-Emotional Learning
- Elementary Education
- Core Competencies
- Primary Curriculum
- Kindergarten Classroom
- Preschool
- Teaching Resources
- Early Learning Support
- Visual Learners
- Literacy Skill Development
- Storytime
- Special Education
- English Language Learning
- French Immersion
This digital social story is helpful for children who have a tendency to hit, kick, or hurt others at school. It provides scripted language for children to use at school in various situations. It explains that words help us communicate with others and understand each other. It demonstrates how words help us solve problems. It explains that talking things through is preferable to getting physical and hurting others. Areas of Learning:
- Learning at School
- Communication Skills
- Speech and Language
- Health and Wellness
- Counselling
- Life Skills
- Self-regulation
- Classroom Management
- Behavior Management
- Problem Solving
- Social Responsibility
- Social-Emotional Learning
- Cooperative Learning
- Elementary Education
- Core Competencies
- Primary Curriculum
- Kindergarten Classroom
- Preschool
- Teaching Resources
- Early Learning Support
- Visual Learners
- Literacy Skill Development
- Storytime
- Special Education
- Autism
- English Language Learning
- French Immersion
This digital social story encourages children to have a sense of curiosity and wonder about their surroundings and about the world. It suggests using tools to assist in gathering information. It gives examples of ways to engage in learning and exploration. It recommends that children document their learning to help them work through their thinking. It suggests that when learning is displayed, we can learn from each other. Areas of Learning:
- Learning at School
- Learning at Home
- Resources for Parents
- Inquiry-based Learning
- Applied Design and Skills
- Exploration
- Documentation
- Reggio Emilia
- Montessori
- Science
- Earth Day
- Nature
- Outdoor Education
- Social Studies
- Environmental Education
- Critical Thinking
- Research
- Health and Wellness
- Life Skills
- Social-Emotional Learning
- Cooperative Learning
- Social Responsibility
- Elementary Education
- Core Competencies
- Primary Curriculum
- Kindergarten Classroom
- Teaching Resources
- Early Learning Support
- Visual Learners
- Literacy Skill Development
- Storytime
- Special Education
- English Language Learning
- French Immersion
This digital social story is a great resource for Father’s Day. It gives examples of some of the things that dads might do for their child. It celebrates the contributions that dads make and the love between father and child. Areas of Learning:
- Learning at School
- Learning at Home
- Resources for Parents
- Family
- Feelings
- Father's Day
- Health and Wellness
- Counselling
- Life Skills
- Social-Emotional Learning
- Elementary Education
- Core Competencies
- Primary Curriculum
- Kindergarten Classroom
- Teaching Resources
- Early Learning Support
- Visual Learners
- Literacy Skill Development
- Storytime
- Special Education
- English Language Learning
- French Immersion
This digital social story is a great resource for Family Day. It gives examples of some of the things that families might do together. It celebrates the contributions that family members make and the love that families have for each other. Areas of Learning:
- Learning at School
- Learning at Home
- Resources for Parents
- Family
- Feelings
- Family Day
- Health and Wellness
- Counselling
- Life Skills
- Social-Emotional Learning
- Elementary Education
- Core Competencies
- Primary Curriculum
- Kindergarten Classroom
- Teaching Resources
- Early Learning Support
- Visual Learners
- Literacy Skill Development
- Storytime
- Special Education
- English Language Learning
- French Immersion
This digital social story is a great resource for Mother’s Day. It gives examples of some of the things that moms might do for their child. It celebrates the contributions that moms make and the love between mother and child. Areas of Learning:
- Learning at School
- Learning at Home
- Resources for Parents
- Family
- Feelings
- Mother's Day
- Health and Wellness
- Counselling
- Life Skills
- Social-Emotional Learning
- Elementary Education
- Core Competencies
- Primary Curriculum
- Kindergarten Classroom
- Teaching Resources
- Early Learning Support
- Visual Learners
- Literacy Skill Development
- Storytime
- Special Education
- English Language Learning
- French Immersion
This digital social story helps children know what to expect when they’re invited to a birthday party. It outlines how to be a guest at the party. It provides examples of birthday party activities. It encourages participation and promotes fun. Areas of Learning:
- Learning at Home
- Resources for Parents
- Play-based Learning
- Friendship
- Feelings
- Counselling
- Life Skills
- Social-Emotional Learning
- Elementary Education
- Core Competencies
- Primary Curriculum
- Kindergarten Classroom
- Preschool
- Teaching Resources
- Early Learning Support
- Visual Learners
- Special Education
- Autism
- English Language Learning
- French Immersion
This digital social story helps children know what to expect on Halloween. It reassures children that scary Halloween things are not real. It emphasizes safety while going trick-or-treating and having fun. Areas of Learning:
- Learning at School
- Learning at Home
- Resources for Parents
- Halloween
- Safety
- Fall
- Autumn
- Feelings
- Anxiety
- Elementary Education
- Core Competencies
- Primary Curriculum
- Kindergarten Classroom
- Preschool
- Teaching Resources
- Early Learning Support
- Visual Learners
- Literacy Skill Development
- Storytime
- Special Education
- English Language Learning
- French Immersion
This digital social story helps children know what to expect on Sports Day. It helps them prepare for the day with their team. It emphasizes participation and teamwork. It provides examples of how to display good sportsmanship and school spirit. Areas of Learning:
- Learning at School
- Physical Education, Games, and Sports
- Health and Wellness
- Field Day
- Play-based Learning
- Cooperative Learning
- Growth Mindset
- Work Habits and Effort
- Character Education and Virtues
- Life Skills
- Building Community
- Classroom Management
- Social Responsibility
- Social-Emotional Learning
- Elementary Education
- Core Competencies
- Primary Curriculum
- Kindergarten Classroom
- Teaching Resources
- Early Learning Support
- Visual Learners
- Special Education
- English Language Learning
- French Immersion